Secure your success in 2024

When opportunities arrive, it’s too late to prepare!

As we get ready to step into a new year, it's the perfect time to reflect on our business goals and the strategies that can help us achieve them. One aspect that often gets overlooked but is crucial in today’s digital world is cybersecurity. That’s where the Cyber Essentials scheme comes into play. Let’s explore how embracing this scheme can be a game-changer for your business growth in the New Year.

What is the Cyber Essentials Scheme?

Cyber Essentials is a straightforward yet effective, Government-backed scheme that helps protect your organisation against a wide range of the most common cyber attacks. The guidance is clear and manageable, even for those with limited IT knowledge.

Key Benefits of Cyber Essentials for Small Businesses

  1. Protection from Cyber Threats: Implementing the controls required by Cyber Essentials can significantly reduce your risk of common cyber attacks by up to 80%, safeguarding your business data and customer trust.

  2. Boosting Customer Confidence: In an era where data breaches are a frequent headline, demonstrating your commitment to security can distinguish your business as a trusted partner.

  3. Enhancing Business Reputation: Achieving certification showcases your dedication to security, potentially opening doors to new business opportunities, especially where cybersecurity is a prerequisite.

  4. Compliance and Beyond: The scheme helps you align with basic compliance standards, setting a foundation for further security measures as your business grows.

  5. Cost-Effective Security: For small businesses, the investment in achieving Cyber Essentials certification is modest compared to the potential cost of a cyber attack. Our ‘Done for You’ service which includes help from an NCSC Cyber Advisor starts at just £97+VAT per month. *

  6. Inclusive Cyber Insurance: For UK based businesses the scheme provides £25,000 of Cyber Insurance for free - to help you manage and recover should the worst happen. *

How to Implement Cyber Essentials in Your Business

Gaining Cyber Essentials certification is quite straightforward for most businesses, as the scheme tells you exactly what needs to be in place in your business. Your IT support provider may be able to help or you can ask a Cyber Advisor.

We are one of only 70 Cyber Advisors in the UK assured by the NCSC to help businesses implement the Cyber Essentials scheme - especially smaller firms with little in house IT expertise.

  1. Understand the Requirements: Familiarise yourself with the five key technical controls - firewalls, secure configuration, access control, malware protection, and patch management. They are all explained in the free guide available from the UK National Cyber Security Centre who created the scheme:

  2. Assess Your Current Setup: Evaluate your current IT infrastructure against these controls. This step is crucial in identifying areas for improvement.

  3. Implement Necessary Changes: Apply the necessary changes to meet the requirements. This might involve setting up firewalls, ensuring your software is up-to-date, and implementing strict access controls.

  4. Seek Certification: Once you’ve implemented these controls, you can apply for certification. This process validates your efforts and grants you the Cyber Essentials badge. We are a Certification Body for Cyber Essentials and can verify and issue your certificate.

  5. Maintain and Review: Cybersecurity is not a one-off task. Regularly review and update your security measures to maintain compliance and adapt to new threats. Our Cyber Essentials subscription service supports you all year round to keep you secure and compliant with the scheme,

How Quickly Can I get Cyber Essentials certified

Most of our clients using our Cyber Advisor supported ‘Done for You’ service find that can achieve Cyber Essentials in 6-8 weeks - so now is the perfect time to start in order to secure your business success in the New Year!

Get started today by signing up for our cost effective monthly subscription that spreads the investment over 12 months and includes a whole year of security advice from our helpdesk plus other bonuses to keep you secure all year round.

Investing in cybersecurity with the Cyber Essentials scheme is not just about protecting your business; it's about positioning your small business for growth and success in the digital age. As you make your business resolutions for the New Year, consider adding Cyber Essentials to your list.

It’s an affordable, effective way to ensure your business is secure, reputable, and ready for the opportunities ahead.

The Small Print

* UK based organisations with a turnover under £20m, Price includes Cyber Essentials certification fees which start at £300 +VAT


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